Possibilities of file operations

Try to measure how much time will take you to transfer a few files with their drawings to different directory with recovering of the links at parent files and with processing done for large number of files in the directory?
  • File processing

    Speeding up file processing with their models and assemblies is due to automatic numbering and renaming of files with drawings. These functions also allow you to do revisions of files, removing of diacritic and arbitrary file movement with keeping links of parent files.

  • Links behavior

    The user can choose the links behavior. The link can be set to all parent files, marked or selected files. These functions allow easy file processing in directories or file substitution in assemblies you need. You can use information about broken links and tools for assistance of their recovery.

  • Result of preprocessing

    Preprocessing of files is done before starting file processing to user check and confirms that the result is according to his requirements. This function is very useful because the user can see how the result will be after file processing and he can change it according to his requests.

  • Processing progress

    The progress of file and links processing is recorded. This record serves for searching and eventual restoring of processing file to the state before processing.



Video 1: Copy Assembly
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